Script to automate transition to DEP/policy chain based workflows for initial deployment?

Contributor III

While I understand that many people on here will have had the time and resources to transition their initial deployment setups to a DEP/policy chain workflow donkey's years ago, we're still limping along using Jamf Imaging in an "apps only" kind of configuration (we do use the official OS installer to install the OS now, as imaging the OS itself no longer works).

I understand where we need to get to - prestage enrollments via DEP plus a massive chain of policies initiated by enrollment complete to deploy all our apps - but getting there seems like a lot of manual work that will take a lot of time that I just don't have right now.

Our Jamf system already knows what apps we want deployed, and in what order. There's an API for querying things and for setting up new policies (I know it works because I tried it with AutoPkgr).

What I don't understand is why it isn't possible for the process of transitioning from a Jamf Imaging configuration to a DEP compatible policy chain workflow to be automated?