Searching for apps NOT installed from App Store | solution topic = 404 sadly

New Contributor

Hi all, hope I am doing this request the proper way for the firat time.

I am looking for a method to display/report all installed Apps on our Macs that are NOT installed through the Apple App Store or VPP.

I need to see which apps are installed on our Macs, which version they are and if they need to be patched or possibly deleted.

I found this topic with a solution below:

Sadly a 404 from the solution/topic link (

Hope someone can point me in the right direction.





Valued Contributor II

You can use Patch Management to see whats installed and what versions.. if its deleted, depends how, you can still track via receipts or with an EA.. but thats some work. 

You can use an EA also to report on what are App Store Apps.. 

Take the full app report, remove the apps store apps (and the ones that are installed in the OS) and your good 

New Contributor

Thank you.

Sadly in Patch Management I do not see the applications which ARE listed in the Inventory/Applications location when selecting an individual Computer and looking at the Inventory. That is the list I am looking for. There is even a APP STORE (NO/YES) column...

Thanks again.

Valued Contributor II

you can try an 'advanced computer search' / inventory search.. and use asterisk as the search and Applications or Application usage (if collecting) ..its not pretty and there is no export .. but it can be copied and pasted and fettled into a report. .but.. I expect you need to code some EAs and collate that data.. 

New Contributor

Thanks. Will try. Appreciate it.

Legendary Contributor III

Barring trying to get this info from the built in collected inventory, which can be a bit difficult to do, it could also be done with a script run via policy, and the results sent out to a local file to be picked up in an Extension Attribute later. I wouldn't recommend gathering this info from within an EA exclusively since the method to do it is a bit slow, especially on Macs with lots of applications installed.

Here is the one liner that could spit out a list of apps installed from the App Store with details of the application name, version and path.

system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType | grep -B3 -A4 "Obtained from: App Store" | egrep -v "Obtained from:|Last Modified:|Kind:|Signed by:|--" | sed 's/^ *//g;/^$/d' | paste -d" " - - - > /private/var/appstoreapps

It produces an output like this:

BBEdit: Version: 14.6.4 Location: /Applications/
Transporter: Version: 1.2.5 Location: /Applications/

I only marginally tested this on my own system, so YMMV on the accuracy and the output. system_profiler can be a bit unpredictable sometimes.