Shared iPad Home Screen Wallpaper Failed Command in iPadOS 17

Contributor III

Hello all,

I am noticing that in iPadOS17 the method we used to set the Home Screen of a Shared iPad is no longer working.

Previously we were able to do so by sending the wallpaper out via a smart group. For some reason in iPadOS 17, this method now only works with the Lock Screen. The Home Screen just turns black, and in Jamf Pro I see the message in Failed Commands: 

Settings - WallpaperThe wallpaper image could not be applied.

Anyone else seeing this and/or have a solution?



New Contributor III

Hi everyone,

I can confirm that there is an issue with Shared iPads on iPadOS 17. Yesterday, I pushed out the update to our 150 Shared iPads and today I saw, that they all lost their wallpaper as well as the complete connection to our MDM. A connection with Apple Configurator 2 was not possible, too. The devices did not check in anymore and our team had to reset all of them via Recovery Mode.

We are using Jamf School.
