Shared iPads - Webclips and Wallpaper

New Contributor

Full disclosure - we're only just getting started with JAMF Pro, so apologies if I've missed something obvious.

We want to manage a small fleet of iPads, configured to be in Shared Mode using guest account only (so no data is retained between sessions - important consideration for us).

  • I want to add a webclip / URL to the key web application that these will be used for, and from what I read here ( this should now be possible. However, I still get an error in the management console for the device stating "The payload type “” is not permitted to be installed for the system in multi-user mode.". Wondering if I'm missing something obvious?

  • Secondly, I have the device smart group supposed to be setting a wallpaper / lock screen on the device, but this doesn't appear to take. The group says the wallpaper command was 'Acknowledged', but it stays on the default. I DO have a setting applied that prevents changing the wallpaper, possibly this is preventing it?

To note, both of the above work perfectly fine when in single-user mode. In hindsight should have probably started with Shared Mode, but assumed these settings would translate over fine.

Any thoughts / input would be greatly appreciated.


New Contributor III

Hi jones1,

I have been using shared iPad and have hit upon both of these issues.

  • Web Clips seem to need to be set to the user level, not device level, in shared iPad mode. That is what the error is complaining about "Cannot be installed for system". You can change this on your config profile in the general tab. It does mean that the web clip won't load until after the user signs in (even for guest accounts), but it should show up.


  • In my testing our smart groups do set the wallpaper/background for shared iPads, but during the initial setup the iPad restarts or reboots itself and then loses the image settings. Usually if its a small group I would push the proper image back out using commands on the management tab of each device. Not ideal for large groups but manageable for individuals. If it was a large group and the devices are all on hand, then I would wait until all devices are provisioned and then set the image with a smart group. Something else that might help. I recently found that smart groups can schedule ongoing commands. I have not tested this to see if how it works, but potentially something else to try and force the image to re-add to devices each night.


Hope some of that helps!

View solution in original post


New Contributor III

Hi jones1,

I have been using shared iPad and have hit upon both of these issues.

  • Web Clips seem to need to be set to the user level, not device level, in shared iPad mode. That is what the error is complaining about "Cannot be installed for system". You can change this on your config profile in the general tab. It does mean that the web clip won't load until after the user signs in (even for guest accounts), but it should show up.


  • In my testing our smart groups do set the wallpaper/background for shared iPads, but during the initial setup the iPad restarts or reboots itself and then loses the image settings. Usually if its a small group I would push the proper image back out using commands on the management tab of each device. Not ideal for large groups but manageable for individuals. If it was a large group and the devices are all on hand, then I would wait until all devices are provisioned and then set the image with a smart group. Something else that might help. I recently found that smart groups can schedule ongoing commands. I have not tested this to see if how it works, but potentially something else to try and force the image to re-add to devices each night.


Hope some of that helps!

New Contributor

lays2 - fantastic! I just gave that a try for both items and it worked immediately. Had made my morning. :)

Thank you for both taking the time to reply and the thoroughness of your answer. Hugely appreciated!