Strange Email Notification Formatting After Recent Update

New Contributor III

Anyone else noticing strange formatting in Jamf email alerts? Seems they redesigned them during the update this past Friday.

Getting strange characters and really poor formatting. Hard to read.


Valued Contributor

Looks like it is a bug that is causing new lines to not display on emails that are sent out.  This puts everything on the same line, which renders badly.

Valued Contributor III

Yeah. Noticed it after the 10.47 update last weekend.



New Contributor III

Yes, they all start out with


New Contributor III

Yes, I'm seeing the same issue with our Jamf Cloud instance with 10.47.0.  Has anyone made a Jamf Support ticket yet?

Valued Contributor II

Yes.. and ticket opened 

Pardon my ignorance... but what is the best avenue for reporting bugs like this to Jamf?

I usually just email them support at

New Contributor II

I opened one too. I was told there's no ETA on when this will be fixed.  

I was told to keep an eye on their release notes page:


Not very helpful Jamf...



edit: missed a word: *no eta

Contributor II

I saw on Slack that there is an existing product issue for the effects of this change. If there is a way to provide feedback and affirm that it is indeed an issue that affects our existing workflows, I'd like to complain more formally. But I also don't want to bother the support folks by opening a ticket. They didn't cause the issue in the first place and I know they won't have a way to fix it.

New Contributor II

Open the ticket.  It's the only real way for them to gauge impact of the issue.  Support can easily throw it on the back burner and not provide any updates like they're doing with me. :)

New Contributor II

I have noticed this too :) Have opened a ticket with our supplier. 

"n""n""n""n""n""n""n""n""The following computers...."

Valued Contributor II

Anyone got the PI for this?  Still seeing it 3 versions later....

Valued Contributor II

not seeing now in 10.50 cloud

New Contributor II

Not seeing this issue anymore on 10.49.0

Valued Contributor

I am also still seeing it on 10.50 cloud.

Valued Contributor II

Still seeing it on our end...formatting.png

New Contributor II



It got better in 10.49 (removed all the extra   n""n""n""n""). I've been told the formatting should be fixed for the version AFTER 10.50.

New Contributor II

Better in v11.0.1, but STILL not fixed.  Now there's too much whitespace.  Come on Jamf, is this really so hard to get fixed??


Here's a sample from June 19, 2023 (I don't recall what jamf version)

jamf error notification email - 2023-06-19.png


Here's one from today (Oct 30, 2023) on the new, way to bright, v11.0.1.  Notice that it's double spaced:

jamf error notification email - 2023-10-30.png