Use Directory Authentication on wired 802.1x profile not working

New Contributor II

Hello, let me start by saying that I am new to Casper and I'm definitely not a Mac user so any help you can give is much appreciated. I am trying to configure a profile for our Macs to connect to our 802.1x protected Ethernet network. We are using PEAP to connect to our radius server that authenticates to a windows domain controller. The problem I'm having is that we need our Macs to Authenticate using their computer credentials (instead of user credentials). When I am setting up the profile I am selecting "Use Directory Authentication" which I believe is suppose to tell the device to connect with it's computer credentials. This is working as expected on the WiFi side but on the Ethernet side when a computer connects a box appears asking the user for credentials and it seems to be automatically using the "default network profile" instead of the one I setup. Also these Macs are joined to our windows domain, the test machine is running 10.10, I'm running JSS 9.72, and this is a mostly PC network. Thanks