Ventura 13.6.5 Update Removes Background Applications

New Contributor III

A few users updating from 13.6.4 to 13.6.5 have run into an issue where all the background applications have been removed. There is also trouble running some supplemental apps like the 1Password desktop app and Privileges app. It doesn't seem to matter if the background application was associated with an MDM payload. Even the jamf processes end up not running. Has anyone else had this issue? The users can log in, but since all the background services are wiped out many things like VPN, Jamf and Security software no longer function. I guess it isn't a black screen this time, but still.


New Contributor

We saw this happening to many (but not all) devices in both Ventura and Sonoma, usually after an OS update(major or minor), but sometimes seemingly randomly. The apps did not get removed, btw, they were all just deleted from /Library/LaunchDaemons (although re-installing apps was easier than trying to fix them in most cases). I opened an Enterprise case with Apple that sat untouched for a long time before just getting yeeted closed with a "We suggest you talk to your MDM vendor"(despite only a couple apps were managed by our MDM, the rest were manual install or via Munki). Hope you have better luck not getting gaslighted.

New Contributor III

An update to this is that I received an impacted macbook from one of the users. Poked around a bit and then kicked off the 13.6.6 update that was being offered on a whim. All the background services came back and it is almost like it never happened. We also haven't seen this issue with 13.6.5 -> 13.6.6, so good luck admins.