Assigning Documents to Student iPads issue in Jamf School

New Contributor


I'm currently experiencing an issue regarding pushing out ibooks to our student iPads. Out of the 400 students we pushed the books out to, only 30 have received them. I'm aware that books can only be distributed to Apple IDs and all students have MAIDs created in ASM and synced over to jamf school, and the ibook licences were purchased in ASM.

Looking at the users where the process failed, the status for each student reads, 'The VPP user can not be found, please try to invite the user again'. However, looking at each students' profile, their service token status reads as associated and valid.

As a side note, some staff members are having the same issue. Other staff members are having different error messages which reads one of the following:

'Device owner is not associated, current status is Registered. Service token status: Invitation sent'

'The device’s user has not been sent a volume purchasing user registration invitation. Service token status: Associated'

Any help regarding these issues would be greatly appreciated.



New Contributor III

I would have a user who is having an issue sign out of their Apple ID and back in. We have found that fixed our issue  when we ran into this problem. Also, make sure they are not signed in to other devices using that Apple ID.

New Contributor III

Seeing the same issue in January 2024. Reported the issue to Jamf Support back in December when teachers were to be provided with Books to read for the coming school year. Seems that the VPP invitation process is broken. Signing in and out didn't work. It's not happening to all devices.