Starting a New School Year - Clearing Data

New Contributor


When the new year starts, I want to know the easiest or best practice for iPad devices in school. 

I want to easily delete data and have them fresh with the required apps they need for the new school year. 

Please advise what your best practices and methodology are. 

Hopefully, this can be easily done through JamF school.



New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Essentially, you'll want to begin by ensuring that all options in Settings -> Global -> Re-enrollment are selected, especially if devices are being turned over and re-enrolled. Following this, it's important to identify the Computer/User Groups based on common characteristics, such as grade level. You can create groups based on more specific criteria too, like class or teacher.

Once the groups are defined, you can use them to target the deployment of necessary elements, such as apps, policies, configuration profiles, etc. This is just a high-level overview, but I hope it helps in planning an effective workflow. Remember, precise group definition is key for efficient management and deployment through Jamf School.

Paull Stanley

Valued Contributor II

This is also a good use case of the new iPad OS 17.x MDM command: Return to Service, which was just recently implemented in jamf School. This is useful for collecting an iPad from an end user and then giving it back to them wiped, setup and apps loaded without a lot of or really any glass touching.

This sounds like what you're after, correct? You're collecting devices at the end of one school year and then giving them back the following new school year.