[Suggestion] User > Devices - showing shared sign ins too.

New Contributor III

Currently in Jamf School when you look at a user record you can see the devices that they own or have been assigned.

In an environment where Shared iPad is deployed, the user record has no information about Shared devices. 

So a scenario that I experience often is a support request from a teacher saying that peter.student is having a problem with his iPad. Which iPad is that? If I look up Peter Student in Users, there's no device associated.

But the student is signed into a Shared iPad. There is no history searchable anywhere in Jamf School.

Ideally, I should be able to search for that student name and see which Shared iPads they are currently signed into and possibly a secondary list of iPads that they have recently signed into.

So the feature request is to add the state of shared iPad login under the Users section in Jamf School.

What devices is this user signed into (but does not own, since nobody owns a Shared device).

Many times I then have to deal with logging out and clearing caches - at a per device level. I should be able to say. "Clear any non-recent caches immediately", "Log out", "Commence a cache write".  So there is more to this workflow than a simple action.

Knowing that a student has signed into multiple Shared iPads is a very useful piece of intel.