WIFI Profile does not deploy on device connected to a captive portal SSID

New Contributor

Environment context: 

2 different ssids

- Open network Captive Portal SSID with a portal enforced (Aruba Clearpass)

- WPA2 SSID with an allow all after authentication (by default)

While devices are on the default SSID, we are able to push a wifi profile consisting of the captive portal SSID to devices successfully. However, when devices are on the Captive Portal SSID, we are unable to push the default wifi profile back on devices. The following IPs, URLs and Ports have been allowed to devices on the Captive Portal SSID: 


We need to switch SSIDs during maintenance periods where having an allow all SSID will be beneficial to us, open to other suggestions on a better workflow as well. 

Any one has any idea how we can go about this?


Thanks for reading


New Contributor III

I would consider another network setup during your maintenance periods. It seems like the captive network connection is not stable/needs re-connecting on a recurring basis.

Otherwise, try to set up a wifi-profile for the captive network that bypasses the captive setup if that is compatible and gives a usable network connection.