Release Candidate Programs Tester

Maintaining user accounts in Jamf Pro can be daunting if you work in Education. Depending on the size of your district, you may have over a thousand staff and students enter and exit within a three-month span each school year. If your district is one-to-one, that’s a thousand new user accounts getting created each year. If you aren’t doing user-based app assignments, maintaining users may not even occur to you, but there are benefits to cleaning up user accounts in your Jamf instance.

If your Jamf instance is on-premise, you know an integral part of the instance is the database. If your instance is in the cloud, you may not be aware of the significance of the database. With any database, it’s important to keep it healthy. By healthy, I mean stable, efficient, and secure. Bad data in a database can lead to inaccurate reports or, in the case of user base app assignments, wasted app licenses. Bloated databases can result in poor performance or the need to continually tune your Jamf instance to keep it stable and running efficiently.

As a rule, I typically run this user maintenance process two to three times a year. It’s very simple to do and doesn’t take much time. If there are a large number of users that can be deleted, processing time can take longer, but you don’t have to sit idle while the process is running.  Let’s get started.

To begin, create a Static User group. I called mine "User Delete", but you can name it anything you want to. You’ll only need to create the group once and it can be reused as needed.

Next, create a list of users who aren’t assigned a device. In Jamf, search for all users and then export the results to a .csv file. Open the exported file in Excel or another spreadsheet app and sort the sheet by mobile devices and then computers. Delete any users from the list that have a device assigned to them, then delete all columns except for the username column and save the file.

The next step is to add the users to the static group you created using The MUT. If you aren’t familiar with The MUT, I highly recommend you check it out on Jamf Marketplace. I’m not going to get into the process of using The MUT in this article, but I can tell you if you’ve never used it, the documentation is excellent.

Before we delete the users, it’s a good idea to review the list of users that we’ve added to the static group. Since we are going to be permanently deleting these users, you’ll want to be sure that we aren’t deleting any users that you want to keep. Since these users weren’t tied to any devices, it should be relatively safe, but it’s always a good idea to be sure.

Finally, delete the users. Once the users have been uploaded to the group, go back into Jamf, view the contents of the group, select Action, then Delete Users, and click Next to confirm. That’s it! I want to say there is no step three, but in this case, there is. Even so, taking the time to do this a few times a year will result in improved performance and stability of your Jamf instance.

1 Comment
Contributor II

Superb explanation!!

About the Author
I'm a technology evangelist with strong skills centred around Microsoft products and a passionate geek with big ideas to sell. Like many other people you know or have spoken to, I started out supporting users and answering telephones, I learnt a great deal, a little about technology (that people didn't like) but a lot about people - what makes them tick! These days much of my time is spent exploring ways of delighting users, going that extra mile to negate them needing to pick up the phone. Implementing technology that works with people is my love "Hey Mike, that device you gave me - it's changed my life!" that's what brings me smiles. Over the past few years I've spent pondering the work of IT and the shift to cloud, would I lose my job and need to do something more honest with my life? The answer of course was a resounding "nope!", cloud computing has reinvigorated a grey monosyllabic word in to a vibrant oil painting! No longer do we have to continue to follow processes written in hieroglyphics and continue to tread the same path of the last 15-20 years - we have options, lots and lots of options. So, from me you'd get a dynamic modern view of the world, I'd want to offer fresh ideas, challenge the traditions and bring about positive change that will delight your end users and save your business money along the way! Specialties: Microsoft Cloud, Office 365 , Enterprise Mobility Suite, MDM (InTune, Airwatch), BYOD,Windows 7, JAMF Cloud,Service Management..