New Contributor III

Joined: February 2012

User Statistics

  • 36 Posts
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User Activity

Been looking for an EA to pull the last 5 reasons given by a user for account elevation from /private/var/log/privileges.log for awhile, didn't quite have the bash savvy to get exactly what I wanted. Last night I decided to give ChatGPT a shot. First...
Hey all, anyone know of a way to prevent any and everyone from enrolling a macOS device through https://our.jamfserver.com/enroll without disabling ABM/DEP enrollments? I want to make DEP the only option for anyone to enroll into our jamf and would p...
This script uses plistbuddy to create com.apple.LaunchServices.plist in the /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj user template. Run this as after in imaging post-flight. If anyone has any feedback to improve the script I'de love to hear it. En...
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