4 weeks ago
New Contributor III

Joined: March 2015

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Hi I am deploying some mac minis using Jamf school,I am trying to disable some system preferences but it is not working,none of the system preferences get disabled, i have tried importing a mobile config file from Jamf pro and profile creator still n...
Hi I am deploying some mac minis using Jamf school,I am trying to disable some system preferences but it is not working,none of the system preferences get disabled, i have tried importing a mobile config file from Jamf pro and profile creator still n...
Hi all I have tried this script from jamf it works locally but not being pushed its an AD environment and it to redirect the music folder in documentsdoes anybody have experience of this !/bin/bash Get current logged in username CURRENTUSER=$(stat -f...
Hi i have recently experienced the application folder been locked out for standard users this has only started happeningit seams that stopping the restricted software policies fixed this has anyone seen this this issue only happened after the summer ...
Hi i have configured a pac file and pushed using jamf pro google chrome works as expected the network user is prompted for their credentials and all ok but with safari the mac tries to open up system prefs the for the user to enter credentials works ...