Updating macOS via MDM Command With Deferral: Recording and Supplemental Docs

New Contributor

Hi Jamf Nation,

Thank you to everyone who attended our most recent session! If you missed the session, or just want to relive the magic, the recording of the keynote can be found here. (8:27) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ4czZcTg1Y

Supplemental Documentation:

The following Github repositories below are intended to be used in conjunction with one another. It is very important to assess your environment before rolling out the macOS update via MDM command. We’ve included 2 repositories to get your environment to where it needs to be in order to roll out macOS Updates with deferrals using the MDM command pushed via Jamf.

  • First, we have the “Monterey Update via MDM Token Status” repository. This repository includes 3 Extension attributes that populate the status of your SecureToken holders & escrowed bootstrap tokens. This provides you with insight into what macs need remediation which is critical because only managed macs with an escrowed bootstrap token will accept the MDM command. https://github.com/Rocketman-Tech/Monterey-Update-via-MDM---Token-Status
  • Second, we have the “Upgrade to macOS Monterey” repository. This repository includes a workflow to manually deploy the macOS Installer Package, allowing you to upgrade to Monterey. Once on Monterey 12.0.1+, you can then begin using the MDM command with deferrals via Jamf to update your macs moving forward. https://github.com/Rocketman-Tech/Upgrade-to-macOS-Monterey

For more information, the following 2 links are great resources for understanding what’s required for the workflow, the commands necessary to assess, and remediate.



Ask the Expert: 

Hugo Immediato, @Hugonaut, and other members of our Team can be reached at macadmins@rocketman.tech if you'd like to discuss further.

Thank you everyone, we hope to see you at the upcoming meetup on March 4th! (Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkcOmsrz0qHd3KclNYGV2VckZqsjYtPlGi)

