Java Runtime Environment 8 Update 221 - Patch policy?

New Contributor III

Hi folks.

I just try to create a patch policy (for the first time) for Java Runtime Environment 8, in order to update all our Macs to version 221. And I think, I am quite far with it, but stuck on the question where to actually get an package (pkg) for this Patch Management Software Title.

All that I find on Oracle's Download page is a dmg file with an .app in it that seems to contain no real payloads but pre- and postinstall scripts and a .tar.gz which confuses me even more.

Where to get or how to build an adequate .pkg that is good for distribution?

Stupid me?

Best regards


New Contributor III

There is a pkg- look in Contents/Resources. It's called JavaAppletPlugin.pkg

New Contributor III

Okay, but unfortunately same story: Only pre- and post-install-scripts obviously conducting the actual installation via internet... no chance to get the payload that it brings in a pkg? I was asked to replace the contained cacerts file, that's why. Java somehow sucks...

Valued Contributor III

Are you right-clicking the inside the .dmg like bassic is saying? Once you right-click or control-click, choose show package contents.
