Posted on
08:15 AM
- last edited
Any chance the slides will be posted soon?
I am looking for the presentation slides from JNUC 2013 on "Getting Users to Do Your Job (Without Them Knowing It)"
@gregneagle-LOL that was great!
@mm2270-Thanks for explaining this. Sorry about the lack of information. I thought I was just posting to the discussion board under the JNUC 2013 session. I was not aware it gets published to the main discussion board I also was not aware people can get these via email.
Posted on 10-21-2013 08:28 AM
Posted on 10-21-2013 08:44 AM
@gregneagle - Lol!
@zmbarker - I realize that you tagged your post with what you're referring to, but try to remember that many people here receive these posts via email; and the tags don't show up there, so initially most people aren't going to know exactly what you're referring to. Although you can't edit your post title, you can edit your post content and might want to include some details there.
Posted on 10-21-2013 11:27 AM
no Slides but Andrina's files she shared are available here
Posted on 10-21-2013 01:41 PM
the whole presentation is going to be posted in JAMF Nation once the fine folks over at JAMF get all the sessions put together... Pretty much everything I presented on screen is available in that github though - in case that shortened URL ever dies...
Posted on 10-22-2013 06:39 AM
Andrina-Thanks for providing your scripts. What I am looking for is the screen shots of your Self-Service that was in your presentation, so I can see how you had yours setup. Can you provide a few screen shots on your github location?
Also, I am trying to figure out how you were able to have different self-service items depending on who logs into self-service. ex: users vs. techs. At this time all of the users/techs see the same items. If it matters our computers are not bound to the domain, they are all local. We do have the JSS linked to our LDAP.
Posted on 10-22-2013 08:16 AM
We require login for Self Service, then in the policy you want to only have your techs use, in the scope use the "Limit this Policy to the following Users" and apply an LDAP group that contains the folks you want to be able to see it...
Posted on 10-22-2013 09:02 AM
I see... Thanks.
I am sorry to keep bothering you as I know you are very busy. I really liked your presentation and knew I could come back and implement some great things, but without the slides I am a little lost.
Also, in your presentation you had a slide for a "First Aid" policy and you showed how that policy was setup, can you outline that policy for me?
Posted on 10-23-2013 09:23 AM
I think all the options she was using are in the advanced tab of the policy. Take a look there and check all the options under maintenance that make sense.
I'd also make a note in the self service description that says it will take a while to run.
Posted on 12-16-2013 09:15 AM
Are these the maintenance options in question? I didn't see an advanced tab?external image link