Jamf Connect: v.2.6.0 - Azure Passthrough Not Functioning - Invalid Request Error

New Contributor III

Hello all,

Following the release of Jamf Connect 2.6.0. and getting excited to see the Azure IDP passthrough finally, I've come across a major issue when testing.

Deploying JC out via ADE to a macOS 12.0.1, M1 MacBook Pro, everything is as expected when installed. A brand new Config Profile has been created, using the new version number.

But after authenticating email address and password, I'm met with the dreaded "Invalid Request: Invalid Request" error when "syncing" at the password entry screen.

This has been seen before where the "Create a Separate Local Password" key is set as "false", and changing this over to "true" will stop the error appearing. But that means the password passthrough does not take place.


I'm not really sure what else I can change to achieve the Azure password passthrough at this point. Does anybody have any ideas?