Patch Management with multiple ARM & Intel Packages


How is everyone handling Patch Management for Apps that have two different packages for Intel and Apple Silicon? 

Example: Today there was an update for VLC but there are two different downloads for it, one is for Intel Macs the other for M1 & M2 chips, but Patch Management only allows 1 instance from the catalog to be added and only 1 package per version to be mapped.


Contributor III

Contributor III

Where do you get the Developer ID from?

Contributor III

When I run the script, I'm inputing as I go. This is the error I get, but what I'm inputing matches, so I'm not sure what's going on. The only difference is the Developer ID has quotes around it, but I tried adding it that way, but doesn't work.

Expected values for Team Identifier and Developer Authority did not match!

Contributor III

I'm going to check that link out. We utilize Installomator for a lot of our updates and most include of them with check to see what version is installed and install the correct one. For the other apps that don't have it we just smart groups to exclude Intel or M1 devices.


In our environment we are using the jamf title server for this. With this you just include the Titleserver into your JAMF Instance and on the Titleserver you subscribe the original JAMF Patchtitle. This allows you to create a second Patch entry for the same software and map the other Package to it. Only downside here is that the Summary for the installed Versions is counting every Computer instead of just ARM or Intel. The Patch Policies then need to be scoped to Computers with the given Processor Architecture.