AD Password policy not set on AD Bound Mac client

Contributor II


I have gotten a different discussion about Password Expiry Notifications (see link

At the moment I am Using Fine Grained Password Policy. This works. Only problem for me is that Fine Grained Policies are set on a user/group level. and not on OU.

I am trying to get a password policy working on OU level but somehow it is not working. What I have done so far:

There is no password policy in the Default domain policy.
I have created a separated policy with only the password policy setting. and linked it to an OU (with my test computer in it.)

When I check my expiration date with ADPassmon the Policy settings are not used.. Ex. I see my expiration at 10523464 days.. I have set it to expire after 7 days (for testing purpose)

So what am I doing wrong?

My AD knowledge is average

