BYOD Program with User Enrollment

New Contributor

I want to add a couple of internal apps to some Freelancers phones but I'm in a bit of a loop trying to create a Personal Device Profile. When I click 'Devices' > 'Personal Device Profiles' I get greeted with 'Configure user-initiated enrollment for mobile devices to continue'. So I go into 'Global Settings' > User-Initiated Enrollment', enable iOS for 'personally owned devices', then go back to Personal Device Profiles and it says 'CANNOT ADD NEW PERSONAL DEVICE PROFILES - When User Enrollment is enabled, you can only delete personal device profiles.'

Am I missing something really obvious here? Feel like I'm just going in circles and not getting anywhere!


New Contributor II

Definitely not obvious! This changed in the last few years and the in product messaging could definitely be clearer. 

Personal Device Profiles are deprecated, and replaced with profile-driven User Enrollment. 

The new (as of Jamf Pro 10.17) experience is described pretty well on this page, and the whole guide might be helpful:

Hope this helps!

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We’re constantly working to improve our features based on feedback like this, so I’ll be sure to share your request to the API product team.