Can I reuse Jamf Connect license file? and...

New Contributor

I'm thinking of testing Jamf Connect.
I have a license (license file) for the production environment.
The file is not used in the testing environment.

Question1. Is it possible to reuse the license file in the test environment? (I suppose it's not possible ...)
Question2. Is there a free license for testing? (The functionality in that case may be limited, but I would like to know if it exists.)
Question3. Are there any features that can be tested without installing a license file?
Question4. If there is a function like Question3. above, what kind of function can be tested?

Could you tell me about the above?
Thank you.


New Contributor

The license key is provided by your Jamf Account Manager, and the same license key may be used for all Jamf Connect apps used in your environment. Note: If you do not deploy a license file, Jamf Connect will run in trial mode, which expires 30 days after the version release date.