Complete Siri Disabling Instructions (used during testing) (EDIT: Not completely working)

Valued Contributor III

Hey All,


Just wanted to post a full set of instructions for disabling Siri using a config profile.  We use this during testing.

1. Run the Following commands which create the 2 plists and puts them in the correct format for your config profile:




defaults write  ~/Desktop/ "UserHasDeclinedEnable" -bool true
defaults write  ~/Desktop/ "StatusMenuVisible" -bool false
defaults write  ~/Desktop/ "Assistant Enabled" -bool false
plutil -convert xml1 ~/Desktop/
plutil -convert xml1 ~/Desktop/




2.  Create a Config Profile with Custom Application Settings by clicking the add button on the right and then clicking upload to bring in the plist we just created above from your Desktop folder.  

3.  Input the correct plist "Preference Domain" for each file.

which should look like the below:

Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 10.54.35 AM.png

EDIT:After trying this method in practice, it would only turn the feature off would actually cause the machine to prompt over and over to enable siri instead of actually turning off the service.  There is probably a process that would need to be killed as well to prevent it from prompting and running.   I'll have to do some more testing before using this en masse.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor

Currently using...

/usr/bin/defaults write /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSiriSetup -bool TRUE

/usr/bin/defaults write/Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Preferences/ "Assistant Enabled" 0

/usr/bin/defaults write/Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Preferences/ StatusMenuVisible -bool false

/usr/bin/defaults write/Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Preferences/ UserHasDeclinedEnable -bool true
I actually put these in the Template, so no new user gets it either.

Not getting pestered in OSX 12.3.1

I also have a policy to remove the Dock entry for Siri.

Have a test of this.