Compliance alerting

Not applicable

Looking to have emails sent to a list or person that trigger when a machine falls out of compliance. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on how to go about doing this? 

I realize a Smart Group would work for people going in or out of a group, but more specifically, if we say all machines must be on patch X Y and Z now, and a user does not meet the criteria for X, we want to know.

Is there anything that can be done with the custom reporting capability making a JSP or something?



New Contributor II

I think you can still use smart groups -- you'd just have to make smart groups for each patch criteria. The key would be for them to show you the machines that DON'T meet the specs, instead of machines that are "like" the specs....

So, my first thought is that if all machines must be patched with X, Y and Z....

and lets say X's patch has the dependancy of "must be intel," Y's has the dependency of "must have at least Mac OS 10.5.7 or higher" and Z has dependency of "requires java 1.6.0_20 or higher"

Then you'd make a smart group that says "show me all the machines that are PPC, lower in OS than 10.5.7 and DO NOT have java 1.6.0"

Then check the box to have it send you an email notification whenever someone showed up on this list, cuz it would mean they are somehow out of compliance with the things you've deemed OK for your environment.

My second thought was that each patch might have several dependencies, making a single smart list either super huge or super complex. So in that case make 3 smart groups: one for X, one for Y and one for Z. Again, they would report machines that DON'T meet that criteria. The benefit here is that the violation emails are a bit more descriptive since they are geared towards one patch.

I don't know about making a JSP - but you could then make a saved Inventory search, which would display as simple website. Just use the criteria "Computer Group" under computer info and tell it to show you machines that are part of the group x, gruop y and group z smartlists from above.

Does that help? No non-casper tools needed :)

ben janowski
Senior Macintosh Support Technician
Kohl's Mac Support Team
262.703.1396 | benjamin.janowski at

Honored Contributor

You could also possibly do it with an Extension Attribute that are populated by script.If it's particular things you're looking for versioning on, you can script in an email alert. It'll come from "System Administrator" and look even more scary :)

Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420