Posted on 09-09-2010 11:09 AM
Just wondering if anyone is managing any computers that our outside their network? We have people who take laptops and work remotely from home or other remote location for months at a time. I am looking into opening up the required ports on our firewall, and wanted to know if anyone else has done this, and if they could share their experiences.
Posted on 09-09-2010 12:16 AM
If I could get them to VPN in on a semi regular basis I would. Most of the clients I am talking about do not have to VPN in, they can work on papers, spreadsheets, etc and just email back and fourth with others, and most times it’s with webmail, so it’s not best solution since most of the users are very apathetic towards anything to do with IT until their systems have a problem.
Posted on 09-09-2010 12:37 AM
Ditto that. I do not deploy anything off network though...I could, but I don’t.
Craig E
Posted on 09-09-2010 11:12 AM
Why not have them VPN in?
Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420
Posted on 09-09-2010 11:42 AM
On Sep 9, 2010, at 1:09 PM, Gallagher, Sean J wrote:
we have port 8443 open for the https and have the same internal DNS as the outside. If a user is outside of the firewall it is transparent. It works really well for self service, and updates. The only thing that can be a problem is the user closing the lid to their laptop every night. We are only allowed to send OS updates after 11pm and before 5am. If a user continually closes the lid at night, the laptop never gets updated. We are working with local management to allow us a window during the day for updates. Like Every other Thursday at 11am to 1pm. The other issue is VNC. We use or webex as a workaround.
Dan De Rusha
Posted on 09-09-2010 11:48 AM
We have 8443 open along with a public DNS entry. Works great for management as well as ‘lost’ computers as well.
Just wondering if anyone is managing any computers that our outside their network? We have people who take laptops and work remotely from home or other remote location for months at a time. I am looking into opening up the required ports on our firewall, and wanted to know if anyone else has done this, and if they could share their experiences.