Corrupted configuration profile

Contributor III

Hi everyone, 

Have a config profile that it seems to be corrupted, i can't update it or remove it from my Mac fleet .. contacted Jamf and it seems they still have issues with config profiles "PI112875" and so far nothing has been fixed .. The profile that is stuck has Security & Privacy payload, creating a new one with the same payload is failing to get installed since all the devices still have the old corrupted one.

Thought to post it here and ask if anyone can help with any ideas .. 




@MacJunior Can you elaborate the corrupted configuration profile behaviour? It never loads on GUI or unable edit and save the profile?

I had similar scenario once in my Dev instance and I can help if you elaborate the behaviour of this issue.

Contributor III

So the problem started by not being able to save the changes of the profile in question and it was returning error "500", the problem got resolved in Jamef 10.50 but then the same profile can't be edited or removed from computers so pretty much stuck on them, I tried to download it and install it manually on a test Mac, it returns an error " Profile installation error 

Unable to read the profile “Security & Privacy & Restrictions.mobileconfig”. 

Hope you can help out with this issue.

Hope you have a solution for that.


@MacJunior I would suggest to first try opening the dowloaded .mobileconfig file from Profile Creator or iMazing profile editor and view it in xml to verify what went wrong. Could be something gone wrong after Apple has deprecated some restriction properties and the profile was never updated to remove the deprecated property. If possible post the xml file here for review. 

Also I wanted to check if this profile is pushed to production or test devices? I had another case where my AD CS profile was unable to respond on some test devices because of change on PKI certificate affected the profile, so I decided to reach out to Jamf Cloud operations team to delete that profile from our console instead of spending time in troubleshooting. 

Contributor III

I downloaded them and tried to opening them using iMazing but they are empty !! no payloads at all

Those two profiles used to work perfectly and they are deployed to our production devices.

What is the Display name of the configuration Profile? I see you have used ampersand (&) symbol, this also could be the problem. I recall I had another issue of using ampersand (&) symbol while using it on Jamf API and had to use different way to call that API using "&" 

Did you get any update from Jamf Support Rep regrading PI112875

Contributor III

tbh haven't had any issues with that profile using & in its name, everything started to fall down when Jamf had issues with updating config profiles .. something caused the profile to get corrupted.

Today i'm having a zoom session to deep dive into this, will keep you posted.


@MacJunior  Was jamf able to fix it? I have the same issue....

Nothing yet but they promised me a functioning workaround .. will keep you posted.


i was able to solve the issue.
here is a link to the discussion on macadmins slack.