CRUD Operation Error after Casper 9.0 upgrade

Contributor II

I am receiving a lot of errors now that say "CRUD Operation Error" or "Error running recon: No content was returned by the JSS"

This is after my upgrade to Casper 9.0 is there anything special I need to do on my clients post upgrade?


New Contributor III
Error running recon: CRUD Operation Error - An error has occurred while creating, reading, updating or deleting a device.

Bump. See this in inventory gathering and i'm in 9.01 - on most machines too (possibly all, just checking that now). The "Last Inventory Update" time is not updating in the JSS web application. going to try command line capture of the JSS message…

New Contributor III

If you run

sudo jamf recon -saveFormTo /tmp/jss

you get a folder /tmp/jss with a ".reconForm" file in it which should be well formed XML. In my case it is not - something about our potscript printer is scrambling the <ns2:uri><ns2:model> elements inside <ns2:printer>. Going to drop a line to support on this

New Contributor III

on the (blindingly obvious) advice of JAMF, I've turned off printer collection of course. and that's me worked around for now until that's fixed.

Contributor II

Any permanent fixes discovered since 9.1? I'm seeing this now and I'm not too hip on not collecting printers.

Valued Contributor II

I have this on 9.11

Contributor II

Updated to 9.11. Issue still present, although I can verify that disabling printer collection is a workaround. I have a phone call with support scheduled for later today so I'll update with any relevant information.

Valued Contributor II

... alright. Now I'm part of this group. Seeing many errors like:

Executing Policy iTunes 11.1...
Mounting to /Volumes/CasperShare...
Copying iTunes 11.1.pkg...
Installing iTunes 11.1.pkg...
Successfully installed iTunes 11.1.pkg.
Running Recon...
Retrieving inventory preferences from
Locating accounts...
Searching path: /var/root/Desktop
Searching path: /Users/fac68/Desktop
Searching path: /Users/admin/Desktop
Searching path: /Applications
Locating package receipts...
Gathering application usage information...
Locating printers...
Locating software updates...
Error running recon: CRUD Operation Error - An error has occurred while creating, reading, updating or deleting a device.

Valued Contributor II

Alright... had a brief conversation with some folks from JAMF. The temporary fix seems to be based around disabling "Collect Printer"(Collect names, models, URIs, and locations of mapped printers) inventory check in:

Computer Management/Computer Inventory Collection/Collect Printers

Disabling this seems to have corrected the CRUD errors that I was getting. Hopefully the fins folks at JAMF will have this sorted out in the next release. I know it must be hectic for them, but while we're having these difficulties the folks at JAMF have been spectacular. I just want to give a big thank you to these hard working engineers and support folks. This was a BIG upgrade!

Contributor II

Same thing for us. No printer collection, no CRUD error. I did not really need it so I am fine but I would like to see it fixed.

Valued Contributor II

We will be running debugs today. I've found the error reported on a new units after we disabled printer checking in inventory collection so I will try and catch the culprit today!

Valued Contributor II

Day 2 of logging. Trying to find a unit that reliably fails where we can get full logs of it. Worse, in my case, it doesn't seem to be related to the "Collect Printers" inventory option. However, on a positive note I'm not seeing any effects of the error where I am tracking it. It kind of makes it a "fun" problem to track. While I sit here and log, does anyone else have any thoughts? I know JAMF is working hard to sort this one out, but how about the rest of you folks. Anything jumping out at you>?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I had this CRUD error issue on a 10.5.8 box, where the printers in question had been created a few years back. When I reset the printing system and rebuilt the printers, the CRUD error went away.

Valued Contributor II

That's what I keep trying to sort out. Oddly I've found this error on a computer without any printers specifically setup. Though there are a number of things that get hit when one "resets the printing system". Worse, on these systems the CRUD error seems to go away without purposeful intervention (though, there are always things happening behind the scenes). Interesting eh?

New Contributor III

to troubleshoot it, try the step I mentioned up thread

sudo jamf recon -saveFormTo /tmp/jss

and look at the XML that pops out in /tmp/jss/*.reconform, you'll probablt find a bit of it is badly formed.

New Contributor III

Has there been a resolution to this yet? I'm on version 9.12 and still seeing this issue.

Valued Contributor II

... So far (crosses fingers) 9.2 seems to have either resolved or severely limited this issue. I haven't seen (yet) a CRUD error during policy execution in 24 hours of passive observation.

New Contributor III

Unfortunately, we are still having the issue on 9.2. When I turn off Printer Inventory the error goes away.

"There was an error. CRUD Operation Error - An error has occurred while creating, reading, updating or deleting a device."

Valued Contributor II

Whoops... never mind. CRUD errors on pushing the new iTunes 11.1.2 package.

New Contributor III

We are also having the same issue on 9.2. I just updated the Computers --> Management settings --> Inventory Collection --> uncheck "Collect Printers"

Thanks for the posts.


Is this fixed in 9.21?


I'm running 9.2 and have printer collection turned off, but I am still getting the CRUD error. Haven't tried 9.21 yet. Anyone having the problem once printer inventory collection was turned off?

Contributor II

I'm still getting the error on 9.21

Valued Contributor II

9.21 There are still CRUD errors, but later inventories work properly. I'm seeing other weird recon issues as well. For example

Error running recon: Unknown Error - An unknown error has occurred.
Error: Could not mount distribution point
---Which could be a network issue---