Posted on 02-26-2013 07:01 PM
I think I figured out the file contains dock items.
But what about Finder specific preferences: as Showing HD on desktop, Finder Prefs Side Bar prefs, Side Bar font size, etc., but that didn't have HD icons or Side Bar. I do see a, can try that.
And then what is a good way to deliver (push) this to said client. I guess a script via Self Service.
thanks again in advance
Posted on 02-26-2013 07:49 PM
Use MCX to push settings for most of the above, such as the Finder prefs. Doesn't really work as well with the Dock though. You're better off either deploying a custom dock plist into the /System/Library/User Template location (you can use the Fill User Template option for this) but this only applies to a new user account after the fact, or, use a tool like dockutil to set up a custom Dock, even with current accounts.
I would not try setting up a full Dock of icons using the built in Dock item deployment in Casper. You'll get frustrated quickly trying it that way.
Edit: You can also look at Configuration Profiles for most of the above, although from the looks of things, they are still a bit flaky so YMMV.
Posted on 05-28-2013 09:49 AM
we made a script to handle some of these settings.
still trying to get a new window target path to work. Default takes you to all files, we want it to go to the users home.
might trying to use something like defaults read the lastUserName to make it work better. suggestions welcome (and probably needed)
# written by Dan De Rusha 5-17-13
# Shows Status bar at bottom of Finder window
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :ShowStatusBar True" /Volumes/Data_Storage/$3/Library/Preferences/
# Shows the path of your file location at the bottom of the finder window
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :ShowPathbar True" /Volumes/Data_Storage/$3/Library/Preferences/
# Shows external Hard drives like USB or firewire on the desktop
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :ShowExternalHardDrivesOnDesktop True" /Volumes/Data_Storage/$3/Library/Preferences/
#Shows Hard drives like "Data_Storage" on the desktop
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :ShowHardDrivesOnDesktop True" /Volumes/Data_Storage/$3/Library/Preferences/
# Shows Server Hard drives on the desktop
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :ShowMountedServersOnDesktop True" /Volumes/Data_Storage/$3/Library/Preferences/
# when you open a new window, it should open to the users home - working????
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :NewWindowTargetPath file://localhost/Volumes/Data_Storage/$3/" /Volumes/Data_Storage/$3/Library/Preferences/
Posted on 07-11-2013 08:53 AM
I tried just using the sudo line for show hard drives i keep getting that the path does not exist and it show the path to me without the $3 part in it and failes. How do I tell if $3 is the right path for my MacBook Pro 10.8.3?