Hidden Management Account

Not applicable

I am in the process of updating base Mac OS X 10.6.7 images for this year,
which is going to include changing the JAMF management account from the
Administrator account to a hidden administrator account. However, I am
having some issues getting this to work properly, and I am not sure where
my issue is...

I have created the base 10.6.7 image, with a hidden administrator
account...we'll call it hideadm. I created a QuickAdd.pkg to set the
hideadm account as the JAMF management account. I can then find the
machine in the JSS and all looks good. However upon, creating a DMG of
that OS and reimaging the machine using Casper Imaging, I find it is
reporting back to the JSS with the visible administrator account. When I
run Recon from the command line, it errors out as not having a valid
account to report back to the JSS. If I re-install the QuickAdd.pkg, the
machine can run Recon successfully and show that it is reporting back to
the JSS with the hideadm account. So it would appear to be that this is
happening somewhere in the imaging process, but I am obviously missing
something...probably pretty obvious.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would be grateful.


Steven Diver
Network Manager // Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Email: sdiver at d125.org // Phone: 847.415.4304

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The Recon account should not be your hideadm account. Your hideadm account
On 5/24/11 1:24 PM, "Steven Diver" <sdiver at d125.org> wrote:
is to access computers for computer management. Your recon account is to
access the JSS in order to add computer accounts.

Create a user account on your JSS called something like "casperrecon" that
has no privileges other than "Recon Privileges" and use that in your
QuickAdd package when first prompted for a name and password for the JSS.
Later in the package you will add credentials for the workstation account.


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492

Not applicable

Yeah, just scratch everything I wrote there...I figured it out. I missed
Steven Diver on May 24, 2011 at 1:24 PM -0500 wrote:
changing the management account in the Configuration in Casper Admin.
Sometimes I guess it just takes pointing out your cluelessness to have
your brain re-engage and figure out what the heck you missed.


Steven Diver
Network Manager // Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Email: sdiver at d125.org // Phone: 847.415.4304

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