How are student names loaded on devices?

New Contributor II

My school enrolls ipads as non-shared 1 student per device. For the first time this year we have integrated the FACTs SIS with ASM, and then ASM with JAMF. That all is working, in that we can import a class just fine, and all the data comes across OK.
I am configuring the payloads of a sample class, like in the Administrator Guide. I have assigned a mobile device (static) group of ipads to my Class. I was expecting some magic to happen where the students are automatically assigned ipads that are in the mobile device group? Maybe I am not understanding the process. Thanks -Tim


Contributor II

We use the option "Require Credentials for Enrollment" in our Prestage enrollment, and have students enroll their own device at the beginning of the school year. This adds their name as the user in the JSS. Additionally, after enrollment we use the JSS Mass Update Tool (MUT) to change the device name to match the username. Hope this gets you what you're after!

New Contributor III

We did the same - require credentials for enrollment. If you are doing it after the fact the JSS Mass Update Tool (MUT) will also change the username in the JSS. Use the MobileDeviceTemplate.csv (attached) to upload your information

New Contributor II

Thanks for both of your responses. That explains it. We do not do the "Require Credentials for Enrollment" during enrollment, so there is no automatic process to populate the user info for us. Base on your suggestions we used MUT to upload the names, and that worked out fine. Thanks again.