How to verify if any MAC device is registered with intune or not

New Contributor

As per the design we need to follow the below process 1: we launched the company portal from Self service
2: It invoked the company portal in registration mode, means after entering the credentials device will register to Azure Ad and will store the wpj cert to key chain.
3: now jamf AAD will launch, unfortunately we closed the pop-up (jamf add) or something wrong happened with the system or browser at that point of time did not respond, thus it did not complete intune registration

Now my question is how we can Identify, how many such devices we have in out infra which missed step 3


New Contributor

I had something similar happen to me just recently. I updated my iPhone to 8.1.3, and started getting the 'application could not be verified' error message from Xcode on an app that installed just fine on the same iOS device from the same Mac just a few days ago.

I deleted the app from the device, restarted Xcode, and the app subsequently installed on the device just fine without any error message. Not sure if deleting the app was the fix, or the problem was due to "the phase of the moon".

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