iOS Office apps crashing when we try to open files from OneDrive

Contributor II

Anyone else seeing issues with the most recent versions of Office apps on iOS (2.49.21050203 for the Office apps, 12.29.6 for OneDrive)? We started getting reports this morning that they instantly crash when users try to open a file from OneDrive. Looked at my iPad and it was fine, but then the apps updated from 2.47 to 2.49 and sure enough I get the instant crash now as well. Have tried restarting the iPad, applying all updates (iOS and Office/OneDrive), and done the uninstall / reinstall dance (Office apps & OneDrive), all without success. Have also heard some people claiming the issue is happening on Mac as well, but I haven't been able to replicate that.
Haven't found anything on a Google search yet, but next stop is MS support.


Contributor II

Must have been something on the OneDriver server side. Found note of it on the MS forums yesterday, but it seems to be resolved today.