JAMF agents are not reporting to JAMF server on different subnet

New Contributor


I am facing an issue of JAMF agents communication between server. When both server and agent is in same subnet they communicate and if client is in Coprorate VPN or different office they don't communicate each other.

Also i am unable to get the reponse for ping command from Windows system to Mac agent. However from MAc to Windows i am good.

Please let me know if anybody faced this issue

Thanks Nelson


Esteemed Contributor III

We had the same problem with some business units that were on network segments that had firewall rules set up that prevented the Casper agent from communicating with the JSS. We had the required ports opened and the clients were able to connect.




New Contributor

Thanks for reply Don.

We have all the ports in the list of URL are open. Our issue is Mac agents are no getting registered in DNS and that may be causing the issue when the subnets are different?


Esteemed Contributor III

Can you ping the JSS's FQDN from the remote location? Can you post the errors you're seeing?



Contributor II

Issue a jamf checkJSSConnection in terminal to see if your client can talk to the JSS. Please post results.

Also, make sure your VPN and remote offices' search domains include the domain the the JSS is in (eg: if the server is JSS.yourcompany.com, make sure that yourcompany.com is in the search domains in Network System Preference on each client).

One more thing, you said you can't ping the Mac from windows. Did you try pinging the name or the IP of the Mac? Try pinging the IP of one of the Macs that won't talk to the JSS, I'm wondering if your Macs have A and PTR records...

New Contributor

We were able to figure it out.. We had to specify the DNS name while adding MAC to the domain.

Thanks for your response.