Jamf Pro 10.47 Now Available


Today we are releasing Jamf Pro 10.47. Highlights of this release include:

Enrollment SSO with Okta Verify
Environments using Okta as an identity provider can now configure an Enrollment single sign-on (SSO) workflow to augment the Account-Driven User Enrollment experience.

App Installers Enhancement: Availability in Self Service
When distributing software titles from the Jamf App Catalog to a smart group using App Installers, you can now make the app available in Self Service for end users to install when they are ready. After installation, the app is automatically updated when a new version is available in the Jamf App Catalog.

Customizable Self Service Buttons for Mobile Device Apps
You can now use the Button Name Before Initiation and Button Name After Initiation fields in Jamf Pro to customize app action buttons in Self Service for iOS to better suit your users.


For additional information on what's included in this release, review the release notes via the Jamf Learning Hub.

To access new versions of Jamf Pro, log into Jamf Account with your Jamf ID. The latest version is located in the Products section under Jamf Pro.


Cloud Upgrade Schedule

Your Jamf Pro server, including any free sandbox environments, will be updated to Jamf Pro 10.47 based on your hosted data region below. Review this guide if you need assistance identifying the Hosted Data Region of your Jamf Cloud instance.


Hosted Region Begins Ends
ap-southeast-2 23 June at 1400 UTC 23 June at 2300 UTC
ap-northeast-1 23 June at 1500 UTC 24 June at 0100 UTC
eu-central-1 23 June at 2200 UTC 24 June at 0800 UTC
eu-west-2 23 June at 2300 UTC 24 June at 0600 UTC
us-east-1-sandbox/us-west-2-sandbox 24 June at 0000 UTC 24 June at 1000 UTC
us-east-1 24 June at 0400 UTC 24 June at 1700 UTC
us-west-2 24 June at 0700 UTC 24 June at 2000 UTC

New Contributor II
Documentation on how to set wallpaper on computers or mobile devices has been added to the Jamf Pro Documentation. For more information, see the following:

These two links on the release notes appear to not be working. I cannot find them in the Learning Hub, so maybe they just have not yet been published?

Thank you for the call-out @Andrew_N! The links have been updated.

New Contributor II

I am unsure that this method is the best practice for the user's experience. In fact, we created a user restriction where the wallpaper is locked. It means that the user can't change their desktop. In my opinion, the desktoppr command is a much more flexible solution.

New Contributor III

I am not able to get those links to load, error 404. 

Also does any one know why the Error alert emails are twice the font size as before ? 

New Contributor III

I was just reading the release notes and just noticed them as you replied. 

