Keychain ACL question


I've added an application to the login items of all users. When they login they're prompted to "Allow" access to an Application password within the logon keychain.

If the user "Always Allow" then they don't get prompted again.

I'm wondering if there's some scripted or similar method I can use to automatically do this for the users?

I'm hoping there's a method of modifying the ACL of the Application password from a script.


Honored Contributor
man security

and you'll find a few things in the add-generic-password verb. I'd start with the -T flag and see if that does the trick, otherwise you can use the -A flag (though that's fairly insecure). The authorize verb may also provide some utility.


Thanks for that. I've come up with.

security add-generic-password -a "" -s"<appname>" -T <applicationtoadd> -U

I'm prompted Deny or Allow the change to access permissions.

If I Allow the ACL is changed.

How can I stop the prompt as I'd like to deploy this silently.