Posted on 05-23-2016 05:44 AM
Hello, i have problems with the correct output from the extension attribute Time Machine - Last Backup Completed. The extension Attribute is from jamfnation and edited as described here I get an date in the inventory, but i think this is not the last backup comleted but it seems like the very first backup on the backupshare from the client. It will be not updated anymore. Do you have any ideas?
regards Lars
Posted on 05-23-2016 06:14 AM
Is it this one you are trying:
backupDate="$(tmutil latestbackup)"
trimmedbackupDate="${backupDate: -17}"
Echo "<result>$trimmedbackupDate</result>"
Posted on 06-15-2016 03:32 AM
Hi David, sorry for the late response. I have tested this script and it´s working fine. But i can not use it, because we save the backups on QNAP NAS shares and the script mount each clients backupshare share first. We have more than 400 Clients and if i try to update the inventory the network is not working anymore.
I use the extension attribute from jamfnation and i get an output in the inventory, but i think this is only the backup completed as the first initial backup.
regards Lars