Managing Firefox Add-ons Blocklist

Valued Contributor II

Firefox pro actively now blocks add ons it deems unsafe.

I understand why they do it, but in our situation it's not always ideal for an outside source to be making this decision for us. We can't always patch as quickly as we'd like without breaking other things.

Working on my new Lion image testing FF, and it just asked me to disable "Adobe Acrobat NPAPI Plug-in." We had issues last few weeks where suddenly users reporting Java was disabled for them in FF (yes, we were running an older version).

Has anyone found a way for us to manage Firefox prompting users to block add ons like this? A google search didn't return much.


Valued Contributor II

As soon as I posted i found this, seems like you can set extensions.blocklist.enabled to false.

I wish there was some middle ground where we could approve what gets blocked.