MDM profile error with Return to Service app


I recently got the Return to Service workflow working on some test iPads. When I deployed it to my student iPads and tried to run it manually through the app it returned the following error message in the management tab in JSS:


Erase DeviceMDM profile is required for Return to Service on this device.


I'm a bit confused by this message because the iPad is present and checking in since the app got pushed out just this morning. Trying to search for this error message is getting a lot of generic MDM results so I'm hoping someone else might have come across this with RtS or something else and it's something easy I'm completely overlooking.


Valued Contributor III

Ran into this last night. Turns out the error is totally misleading ... look at page 4 of the document PDF that Jamf supply and make sure things like Enrollment customisation is not enabled in your prestage.


My take on that was that after resetting the device wouldn't completely return to service with those things enabled but the only difference between my different devices was the Enroll for MFA setting under Enrollment Customization being turned on. I wouldn't think that would affect the whole process working but I guess it could. We ended up using it for the rest of the devices I was testing it on to turn them from generic use to 1:1 devices so it at least worked for resetting them to the new pre-stage set up with user log in. Was hoping this would save us some trouble for student iPads changing hands for next year.