Office update notifications?

Valued Contributor

I have a strange question:
How are you notified of Office updates when they're released?

I generally find out from JAMFnation when an update is out, and Microsoft's support site is an absolute disaster to search for anything Mac related. (I've spent ~20 minutes searching and I am still unable to locate a download link for the 15.17.1 updates.) A number of other vendors have fairly-easy-to-find notification systems, but I can't find one for Office and even our MS rep is clueless as to whether one exists.

Has anyone found something that works well for them?


Valued Contributor

Obligatory mention of AutoPkg:

Install it; configure it to check for the latest versions of the software you are interested in, including, but certainly not limited to:

Office 2011 updates
Office 2016 updates
Flash Player
Adobe Reader

Valued Contributor

With a little additional work, AutoPkg can not only download all the new updates, it can also import them into your JSS...

New Contributor II

+1 to AutoPkg / JSSImporter

Valued Contributor

I'm using AutoPkg/AutoPkgr (and actually just added the Office 2016 recipes this morning, because I had been searching for "Office" rather than the individual apps), but for various reasons we're not using JSSImporter.

Since our change control process is relatively manual and we have a hard timeline from InfoSec to deploy any security updates, I'm still interested in being notified. However, the fact that no one said "oh yeah, here's the link" tells me that MS might not make such a thing available. :)

Thanks all!

Valued Contributor

bvrooman: Just have AutoPkgr notify you when it downloads something new, and set AutoPkgr to run your recipes once a day. Voila -- you will be notified of new Office updates.

Honored Contributor

Here's the link for 15.7.1:

15.7.1 Page

But, I don't know how many people rush out patches so that getting it up and out on the first day is important? We have to go though an Act of Congress to put up anything, so that is not an issue for us.