One more feature request

Not applicable

Here's a simple one:

When viewing the members of a Smart Group (or a Static Group), the group name doesn't appear anywhere on the page. You wouldn't think this would be a big issue, but with my short attention span I can't tell you how many times I've clicked the "view members" button, been interrupted or switched to a different task, and when I look back at the list of computers, I have no idea what group they belong to. :)

So, I'd like to see the group name appear at the top of the page when viewing the group members.

Bryan Vines


New Contributor

OH OH OH....I love feature requests, let me jump in. This is for the JSS.
How about when viewing autorun data it shows me the entire list of packages
that are included in autorun, not just additions or exceptions. That would
be quite nice.....
