Packaging Adobe Output Module for CC2017

Valued Contributor II

I'm trying to deploy the AOM for Adobe CC 2017. I put the files in the correct locations, put them in composer, propagated the owner from the parent folder (the adobe workspaces folder iirc), bundled it up and deployed it to a machine. The user is saying they can't find it in the Adobe Bridge > Preferences > Startup Scripts listings. I assume it's an issue with the permissions, but not sure how to set them so it's deployable via self service.


Contributor III

there is an autopkg recipe for this by @foigus that works well, I highly recommend it.

Contributor III

I 1: didn't know about the AOM and 2: Didn't have it packaged (refer to 1:)
I followed Adobe's instructions, adjusted the permissions in Composer and it's working for a standard user or student
Adobe Help on Adobe Output Module

Esteemed Contributor III

We packaged this for deployment a few weeks ago for CC 2015.
We set the file and folder to file to root:wheel and 755 recursively.

$ ls -lF /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/ | grep Output
drwxr-xr-x   8 root  wheel    272 Apr  5 16:24 Adobe Output Module/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel    918 Jun 14  2013 AdobeOutputModule.workspace*