packaging unreal editor in composer (or other)

Contributor II

Anyone have any luck packaging and deploying the unreal editor? I can package the epic game launcher fine on its own, but error out on dmg creation if the editor is included. Also tried as two separate packages and again fail on dmg creation.  It will roll up in pkg with out error at creation, but being over 8GB the PKG created is not complete and will error on install. The size of the editor makes it desirable to have deployable from jamf rather then having to install individually.  Any input that can be provided is greatly appreciated!


Contributor II

only note to add, is I am able to package unreal game launcher just fine, and have tried than creating a second package containing Unreal Editor to no avail. That said I have had no luck packing anything over the pkg 8 GB mark. Luckily I only have a couple of these. Maybe I need an internal repository that I can just use curl and installer commands on, avoiding suck a large package in Jamf all together.

Contributor II

Added a note to this chat that might help you with large flat PKGs (Composer produces flat PKGs).