Placing templates for PPT, Word in users template folder

New Contributor


I am new to the whole Casper, but loving it all so far.

I am wondering, is there a way I can automatically add our company templates into the Office template folder with Casper?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Funny I just did this.
This is what I did:
On a freshly imaged mac with office installed I placed the template in:
/Users/pierce/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/My Templates
Pierce is my user name.
Then I opened up Composer and dragged my template from them above location in to the sources list in composer.
(Page 11 in the Composer users guide)
That created a new package source. In the package source I drilled down to the actual template and changed the owner to root and the group to wheel.
I built that as a DMG, and added it to Casper Admin. Be sure and check "Fill user templates" and "Fill existing user home directory's" options for this DMG. Now create a policy to deploy.
You can also add themes to the My themes folder the same way.

Does this make sense?

New Contributor III

One thing you might want to add is that you probably want to change, just before creating the package, the "home folder" in this case "pierce" to the short name of your local admin account. This way you wont create a users folder on every Mac called "pierce" which has just a few files in it and the template files will be deployed into an actual account. Then mark the package as FEU and FUT to fill the rest of the accounts.


Excellent suggestion. Thank you!.


Valued Contributor

Instead of placing a copy of the templates into all users and the default user template, I place our company Word and PowerPoint templates in the following directories:

/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Media/Templates/CompanyName Word
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Media/Templates/ComanyName PPT

Drag and drop both of those into Composer, set the Owner = root, Group = admin, permissions to 775.
(No need to set FEU and FUT.)

I believe recent versions of Office for Windows forces our admins to put the templates in each users account, but on the Mac, it still works to have a common set of templates located in the Office folder.