Populating the Computer Name Field in Casper Imaging

Contributor II

Under an older version of Casper a few years ago and I was successful getting the the computer name field to populate after launching Casper Imaging, but I'm not seeing the field populate under v9.65, now. Anyone else had trouble seeing your properly named computers fill the space? (I prefer not to use serial number or mac address). Generally after launching Casper Imaging, the field auto-populates with the proper computer name from AD, and I don't have to choose mac address or serial number.

Not sure what happened. Anyone else run into this one?



Contributor II

AFAIK the name populates from information in the JSS, so if it is not enrolled in to the JSS it will not populate a name.

Contributor II

The laptop has already been enrolled, but I'm not so sure that's the end of what Casper Imaging needs in order to pull info regarding the computer name from AD...that's the key piece. Still looking for an additional component that communicates with the CI utility in order to look at AD (if that's what it's looking at) under 9.65

Valued Contributor II

Bringing up a oldie but a goodie here...

I have noticed that in recent days, Capser Imaging 9.99 is now autopopulating the "Computer name" field with an exisiting Jamf computer's name, even though the computer(s) I am imaging are brand-new from Apple and have never been in the JSS database before. It seems to be populating the exact same computer name every time. Not sure why it is doing this.

Rebooted the JSS and netboot server. Ran some basic MySQL repair/optimize tools on the JSS MySQL database. No change.

Has anyone seen this before?

Valued Contributor II

Thats a new one on me. Any reason you're still on 9.99 at this point? We're still on 9 for another month or so, but 9.101