PreStage LDAP Authentication and Unmanaged Devices

New Contributor III

Hey everyone,

We have a weird issue on our hands.. we recently turned on the feature to require LDAP auth during DEP enrollment and ever since then, our MacOS devices show up unmanaged in JamfPro.

We have since turned LDAP auth off again because we need to be enrolling our devices but we can't pinpoint why this is happening.

I have noticed that when you check a newly enrolled device and "edit" the general section, the "Allow JamfPro to perform management tasks" is no longer checked. When LDAP auth is off, that box gets checked.

Has anyone seen this or can provide some insight as to what may be happening here?e85d0b52a7d94809a439392b4da66adb


New Contributor II

Hi chet.bishop,

We had the same issue today. Just implemented LDAP via Okta. We fixed it unchecking the "Restrict re-enrollment to authorized users only" option in Settings -> Global Management -> User-Initiated Enrollment

The management account is now created again with authentication enabled.

I hope that helps!b2d5b2e5e2b34113bb12770d069cdea3