Problem with naming computer

Contributor II

Hey all,
A number of years ago I inherited a Jamf platform that I am trying to improve and clean up. We have a policy of naming computers of your choice. Currently, it consists of three scripts, one of which is an AppleScript to bring up a dialog box where you can enter the desired name of the computer.

This solution has worked fairly well until about a year ago. Now you have to run the script twice for it to work, at least for Ventura and Sonoma.

The script looks like below and I was wondering if someone could help me, give me some tips to make it work better so that you don't have to run it twice?

Thanks in advance.

First script (how it's listed in Jamf policy)

#Skript som sätter en raett hostname osv. - Made by Marten B. BK.IT

#define variables
name=$(sudo /usr/sbin/scutil --get ComputerName)
sname=$(echo "$name" | tr -cd '[[:alnum:].-]')

        # set computernames
		sudo /usr/sbin/scutil --set HostName "$name"
		sudo /usr/sbin/scutil --set LocalHostName "$sname"
        sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ NetBIOSName -string "$sname"

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

exit 0;

Second script


sudo jamf recon
sudo jamf policy

Third script (AppleScript)

display dialog ”Set desired computer name: " default answer "like: SE304041-teacher" with icon note buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button "Continue"
set ComputerName to text returned of result

display dialog ComputerName & " will be set as computer name.." with icon stop buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"

do shell script "/usr/sbin/scutil --set ComputerName " & ComputerName & space & "setlocalsubnetname " & ComputerName with administrator privileges



Esteemed Contributor

Have you thought about squishing this in to one script? Tossed something together for an idea, but I have not tested this and will need a bit of work to limit what the user can pick but the workflow should be good.




#* Script Name: 
#* Created:
#* Author:
#* Purpose: Changes Mac hostname to match user choice.

computerName=$(scutil --get ComputerName)
hostName=$(scutil --get HostName)
localHost=$(scutil --get LocalHostName)
serialNumber=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}')
serialNumberII=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Serial/ {print $4}' | tr -d '"')

#* Define Hostname
# Popup asking for hostname

#this section uses Apple Script to prompt the user to enter a hostname 

echo "Prompting for Hostname."

## Prompt for Hostname
tell application "System Events"
set the answer to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a hostname" default answer "" buttons {"Continue"} default button 1)
end tell

## Check & Update Computer Name
if [ "$computerName" == "$UserChoice" ]
    echo "Computer name matches serial number, $UserChoice"
    echo "Current Computer Name: $computerName"
    echo "Computer Name does not meet standards"
    echo "Changing Computer Name to match Serial Number"
    scutil --set ComputerName "$UserChoice"  
fi; $DIV2
## Check & Update Host Name
if [ "$hostName" == "$UserChoice" ]
    echo "Host Name matches serial number, $UserChoice"
    echo "Current Host Name: $hostName"
    echo "Host Name does not meet standards"
    echo "Changing Host Name to match Serial Number"
    scutil --set HostName "$UserChoice"
fi; $DIV2

## Check & Update Local Host
if [ "$localHost" == "$UserChoice" ]
    echo "Local Host matches serial number, $UserChoice"
    echo "Current Local Host: $localHost"
    echo "Local Host does not meet standards"
    echo "Changing Local Host to match Serial Number"
    scutil --set LocalHostName "$UserChoicer"
fi; $DIV2

## Final Check
computerNameII=$(scutil --get ComputerName)
hostNameII=$(scutil --get HostName)
localHostII=$(scutil --get LocalHostName)
echo "Results:"; $DIV3
echo "Serial number: $serialNumber"
echo "Computer Name: $computerNameII"
echo "Host Name: $hostNameII"
echo "Local Host: $localHostII"
echo "User entered hostname $UserChoice"
if [[ "$computerNameII" == "$UserChoice" ]] && [[ "$hostNameII" == "$UserChoice" ]] && [[ "$localHostII" == "$UserChoice" ]]
    echo "Computer Name satisfies naming standards"
    $DIV1; exit 0
    echo "Computer does not meet naming standards"
    echo "More troubleshooting will be necessary."
    $DIV1; exit 1

sudo jamf recon




Thanks. I'll give it a try :)

Tried the script but get an error shown bellow. 🤔



Valued Contributor

@jonrosYou can do this all more simply using the Jamf binary.  That has the ability to change the computer name and does everything you have done making your script smaller.  The manual command if being done by yourself would be



sudo jamf setcomputername -name whatevernameyouwant



More info if you check the help for jamf



jamf help
jamf help setcomputername