Posted on 07-11-2014 06:59 AM
The one time package that is deployed through UIA , is there anyway to customize this package so that it sets some location information automatically.
I cannot see any way through the JSS of customizing this. It looks like it is generated automatically with information from the JSS.
Posted on 07-11-2014 07:00 AM
The only other way I can think of doing this is you can create a QuickAdd using Recon - within here it seems you can set Site information.
Posted on 07-11-2014 07:12 AM
If you are enrolling for OSX clients on your LAN, you can identify your network and select the Location to update. Not helpful if your users are remote, but then again create two new networks that are outside your LAN that could be "remote" users.
- Justin
Posted on 07-11-2014 07:37 AM
Hi Justin,
We currently use a combination of net boot + UIA. Net boot sets location information for newly imaged machines to initial deployment and this can be on any subnet in our LAN.
This initial deployment information is critical for other things to trigger and work properly. We only really use UIA when net boot is not working or broken. The problem I am having is I am trying to find a way to automate the thin imaging process.
I envision something like :
1) user goes to enroll page
2) installs quick add package
3) after enrollment triggers a policies which deploys our first run script which does customization and standard operating environment apps
I cannot just simply use the after enrollment trigger as this will clash with our first run script at net boot. I need to find a way to segregate this policy. I'll probably be able to figure out a way , I may just be thinking about it the wrong way at the moment :)
Posted on 07-11-2014 08:38 AM
For a User Initiated Enrollment, the user would have to login to the /enroll page. When they submit their credentials it should be looking for information from an LDAP system. Could you update that scheme attribute in your LDAP to pull the info correctly?
May not help if you only use a Standard account user like "enroll/enroll" to allow people to complete this step. However, if add the "Everyone" AD Group and give it Enroll permissions, they could use their AD account.
- Justin