Restrict Internet access on a NetBoot image

New Contributor

Hi all.

Is there anything I can do to stop users being able to quit Casper Imaging and start browsing using Safari? I can't see a way to remove Safari.App without breaking anything.

Was just wondering if anyone has managed to lock their Netboot image down, and if so, how?




Honored Contributor II

I haven't needed to do it but I would probably use a config profile to stop Safari (or at least try it) to see if that solves the issue, without breaking things.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@iannufc In a NetBoot Image? you should be able to remove when creating the NBI.

If using ACNBI, then you can add a PKG that contains a script to delete the app.

Honored Contributor II

I haven't had to do it but I would try a config profile, installed locally in the netboot image to restrict Safari. Worth trying to see if the Mac still works ok with it installed.

New Contributor

Thanks for the responses - I did indeed use ACNBI. I tried removing Safari.App but it wouldn't let me. I haven't tried forcibly doing it in Terminal yet.

I might try a .mobileconfig file to do as you advise to see if I can apply that retrospectively. At least I have some ideas to go on, anyway, so thanks for yet.

I can see it as a valid concern in a room where machines are being rebuilt unattended, so I will have to try something.

Many thanks,
