saving a script causing error 403 access denied

New Contributor II

At one point, I was able to create, edit, save Scripts in Jamf Pro using my Standard User account that had Full Access/Administrator. I am now using my LDAP User account that also has Full Access/Administrator. Now the LDAP account and my Standard User account are no longer able to create, edit, save Scripts.

When I try to save the script, I get error "403 Access Denied. Contact your IT Administrator for assistance". From Jamf Pro User Accounts & Groups, I've confirmed all the checkmarks are there (although they're grayed out).

Am I missing setting that will allow me to save scripts?


Contributor III

New Contributor II

oddly enough, I haven't tried to create, edit, save Scripts since my initial post. After reading your response, I went back to try again and issue is gone. No explanation as what actually occurred. I'll leave it as that for now.

Appreciate the response though!

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Adding some very late tip that helped me temporarily deal with this exact situation - use Jamf Admin.

You wouldn't be able to directly edit the script, but you can upload a cloned one you edit outside of Jamf.

Hopefully it was just a bypass and it will solve itself as it did for others.


I am now experiencing this issue. Today was the first time it's happened to me. My LDAP account has all Admin rights and I tried it from the local admin account as well. I can't save scripts now.

The issue seems to be resolved for me. 

That said, JAMF support suggested it was their Web Application Firewall (WAF) and wanted my public IP addresses.  Yet we have admins all over the place with varying DHCP public IPs so that would be difficult to monitor...

When I was working with Jamf Support they also thought it could be WAF, despite the fact that I tried saving from multiple computers on multiple networks (and they were able to re-create the issue when I sent them the script). When I got the Jamf Admin workaround (which took weeks to get) I was like "I've spent enough time on this, so I need to move on to different things" and ended up cancelling the ticket.


I am also having this issue. I have opened a support case.

New Contributor

Same for me as well if anyone is checking this from google

New Contributor II

I am currently seeing the same issues... 
My guess is that there is some sort of Script validation process that happens on jamf... 
Try saving chucks of code at a time to find the problematic code.. 
For me custom functions and API calls. 

This seems to be fairly new but it is causing issues for me since I cannot update previous scripts. 

New Contributor II

** I have been using Jamf for close to 7 years now and this is a new issue for me... 

Also wanted to add that I was able to save the script when I removed the Custom Funtions and the API calls for that script. 

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Use Jamf Admin

As mentioned in an earlier comment, if urgent, you can use the Jamf Admin app to upload scripts to your server. It worked for me.

It is not great for editing existing scripts (though you can copy, edit, and upload as a new script if you really need to), but it saved me when I was stuck.

@el2493 @tc_pmg @llitz123 @axel12garciar @connorb 

Contributor III

From JAMF support: We did make some changes to take care of these 403 errors without needing your public IP address. I did also look at script and it doesn't seem to have any of the specific syntax we've seen trip that message, so we should be good to go. 

New Contributor II

Yeah... that is the same thing that the Jamf support team told me. 

It's not always ideal since you have to redo your variables and stuff, update the script the policy is using and what not... It's just messy if you're testing or deploying a new script.