Secure Token Pop Up on non FV2 Mac

Contributor II


I have a Mac that is giving the Secure Token pop up on login for new users but... FileVault is not enabled, it has never been in scope for my Encrypt policy (or config profiles that might enable FV2). Both, logs on both the Mac and JAMF Pro show that this policy has not run and no other configs or policies that evoke encryption are in scope. System preferences and fdesetup confirm that FileVault is not enabled so... there should be no secure token to grant to the user and Mobility is not configured for the Mac (confirmed with dsconfigAD and directory utility).

Mojave 10.14.6 (18G103)
Has FV2 MasterKey (but other Macs configured in the same way also do and aren't showing this behaviour)

Any idea why it is giving this message and how to stop it?


Valued Contributor III

You will still be prompted to assign a secure token when a network user logs in, regardless of FV status. That's because those accounts cannot enable FV without a secure token, so it's important to have it assigned ahead of time.

Secure tokens, as a concept and entity, exist outside of the FV encryption space.